Independent Reading Response

For my independent reading novel I chose the book All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren. The book centers around corrupt southern politics; with Willie Stark on a journey to be governor. Then there’s Jack Burden, Willie’s right hand, narrator of the story, and in many ways the protagonist.

One conflict that we readers are introduced to right away is when we learn that Willie and Jack aren’t playing around. These are the guys you don’t want to find lurking outside your door in the night. Yet, since they capture readers’ sympathy in the initial chapter, we face an emotional conflict. The fact that Judge Irwin is old makes it seem even worse. We don’t yet know how deep it goes, but we know Jack and the Judge have a close friendship. So this is also a big conflict for Jack and the Judge. We don’t understand why Jack would treat his long-time friend and mentor this way. On the other hand, Willie is resigned to do what it takes to break the state out of its sorry situation.

One Comment

  1. nickjg2020

    I am also currently reading “All The Kings Men” for my independent reading novel. Jack Burden is absolutely the protagonist, although Stark plays a large part as well, but he couldn’t do it without the help from his right hand man. Burden’s undercover research assists Stark in a major way. I agree with you also when you mention that they aren’t playing around. Jack and the Judge are long time friends, but he ended up showing support for one of his opponents. Interesting read so far!

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